National Development Plan of Uganda
The National Vision Framework expresses the long-term aspirations of the Ugandan people for independence, growth and continuous improvement towards becoming a middle-income country by the middle of this century.
The National Development Plan 2010/11-2014/15 was launched in April 2010; it is the first of six five-year development plans covering the period of the Vision Framework. It comprises the medium-term strategic direction, developmental priorities and implementation strategies.
The National Planning Authority is responsible for preparation, co-ordination and evaluation of the country’s development plans. It also serves as a national think-tank mandated to determine national strategic priorities and corresponding national development programmes, as well as optimal allocation of national resources for ensuring sustainable poverty reduction, socio-economic transformation and development.
The National Planning Forum is responsible for assessing performance against the targets of the National Development Plan. It is chaired by the President of the republic and comprises ministers, permanent secretaries, and representatives of the private sector. The National Planning Authority provides a secretariat for the forum, in collaboration with the Office of the Prime Minister.
The Anti Corruption Coalition of Uganda was established as an NGO in 1999 to advocate appropriate national anticorruption policies; to promote research into corruption in both public and private sectors; to expose corrupt activities;
and to mobilise Ugandans to fight corruption.