National Development Plan of Lesotho

The National Vision 2020 was launched in 2003. The vision was that by 2020 Lesotho would be a stable democracy and a united, prosperous nation at peace with itself and its neighbours; that it should have healthy and well-developed human resources; and that its economy would be strong, its environment well-managed and its technology well-established.

The strategy for implementation of this Vision was set out in a Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and the Interim National Development Framework 2009/10–2010/11, and then from March 2012 these documents were succeeded by the National Strategic Development Plan 2012/13–2016/17, which now serves to co-ordinate and guide policy decision-making and resource allocation towards realisation of the Vision.



The overarching objectives of the Plan are:

  • promotion of peace, democracy and good governance
  • pursuit of high, sustainable and equitable economic growth
  • poverty reduction through employment generation and reduction of social vulnerability
  • protection of the environment and promotion of climate-friendly technologies and practices
  • promoting HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment
  • radically transforming technical, vocational and higher education to produce world-class skills and expanding access to ICT.

The Plan focuses on three issues:

  • proximity to a large and sophisticated economy with advanced engineering, medicine, science and ICT
  • the need for a country with a relatively small population to diversify its economy and build export markets in neighbouring countries, and especially in the dominant economy in the region, South Africa – the Southern African Customs Union gives a potential market for 50 million people
  • the rapid emergence of a global knowledge economy, where growth and competitiveness depend on high-level skills and the realisation that natural resources are dwindling and the climate is changing, and future economic activity must be sustainable.



The Plan has been prepared by a small technical team drawn from the Department of Economic Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, supported by local and international experts from inside and outside government. The team has a secretariat and reports to a steering committee chaired by the Minister of Finance and Development Planning. The steering committee includes representatives of political, economic, youth, business, industrial, media, academic, labour, public service, civil society and faith organisations.