National Development Plan of Ghana
The Co-ordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies 2010–2016 underpins the preparation of development plans and annual budgets at the sector and district levels throughout the country.
The long-term objective of the Co-ordinated Programme is the creation of a just, free and prosperous society in which:
- extreme forms of deprivation, such as hunger, homelessness and poverty, are eliminated
- economic growth is environmentally sensitive and public policy will ensure that it is equitable across sectors, administrative regions and socio-economic groups
- the economy is driven by industrial production with full participation of Ghanaians in a stable macroeconomic environment
- health care is available and affordable, and education prepares people for purposeful life
- science, technology and innovation underpin development
- all citizens participate in and share equitably the benefits of development.
Major institutions established to deal with abuses of public office include the Economic and Organised Crimes Office (Act 804 of 2010); the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (Act 456 of 1993); the Internal Audit Agency (Act 658 of 2003); the Public Procurement Authority (Act 663 of 2003); and Public Account Committee of Parliament.
The National Development Planning Commission advises the president on national development policies and strategies. It is the central co-ordinating agency of the nation’s decentralised planning system. It provides a national policy framework and is responsible for preparing development policies and plans, and for monitoring and evaluating their implementation.