Parliament of Ghana
- About Us
- Mission
- Contact
- Ensuring Parliament’s representational function is made more relevant to the needs of the public
- Improving the ability of Parliament to effectively perform its oversight responsibility
- Improving effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of services
- Ensuring that Parliament has adequate infrastructure to sustain excellence in service delivery
- Provision of office space for Members of Parliament
- Reconfigured Debating Chamber of Parliament
- Establishment of Parliamentary Training Institute and Scrutiny Office
- Automation of business operations of Parliament
- Review of Standing Orders to empower Committees to conduct independent public investigation into the activities of ministries and state agencies
- Improved stakeholder engagement
- Publication of code of conduct for MPs
- Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU)
- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association(CPA)
- African Parliamentary Union(APU)
- ECOWAS Parliament
- African Caribbean Pacific/European Union(ACP/EU)
- Pan African Parliament(PAP)
- African Parliamentarians’ Network against Corruption (APNAC)
The Parliament of Ghana was established by Article 93 (1) of the 1992 Constitution. Three earlier attempts at practicing parliamentary democracy ended abruptly. Ghana gained Independence in 1957 and subsequently suffered the first coup d’état in 1966. The Second Republican Parliament of 1969 lasted only 27 months. On 31 December 1981 the Third Republican Parliament of 1979 was also overthrown. Parliament was therefore suspended until 1993 when the country returned to Constitutional Rule under the 1992 Fourth Republic Constitution.
Parliamentary democracy has been entrenched since the inauguration of the 4th Republic with political power alternating between two political parties, National Democratic Congress (NDC) and New Patriotic Party (NPP). Currently, the membership of Parliament stands at 275.
Legislate, represent and protect the interest of the people of Ghana within the framework of the Constitution, supported by an efficient, non-partisan, innovative and professional Parliamentary Service structured to ensure the dignity of Parliament.
Our goals are to strengthen the capacity of Hon. Members of Parliament to effectively perform Parliament’s legislative function by:
Key initiatives
The Parliament of Ghana is undertaking the following initiatives to enhance the responsiveness of Parliament to the needs of the citizenry:
Inter-parliamentary co-operation
Parliament of Ghana is a member of international parliamentary associations including:
Annually, the Parliament of Ghana hosts more than 20 study and fraternal visits from sister Parliaments from Africa and beyond.
Parliament of Ghana
State House, Victoriaborg
Tel: +233 (0) 302 66 4042
Tel: +233 (0) 302 66 2084
Contact Parliament of Ghana
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