Parliament of Ghana

The reconfigured and expanded debating Chamber of Parliament with modern ICT infrastructure functionalities

The reconfigured and expanded debating Chamber of Parliament with modern ICT infrastructure functionalities

The Parliament of Ghana was established by Article 93 (1) of the 1992 Constitution. Three earlier attempts at practicing parliamentary democracy ended abruptly. Ghana gained Independence in 1957 and subsequently suffered the first coup d’état in 1966. The Second Republican Parliament of 1969 lasted only 27 months.  On 31 December 1981 the Third Republican Parliament of 1979 was also overthrown. Parliament was therefore suspended until 1993 when the country returned to Constitutional Rule under the 1992 Fourth Republic Constitution.

Parliamentary democracy has been entrenched since the inauguration of the 4th Republic with political power alternating between two political parties, National Democratic Congress (NDC) and New Patriotic Party (NPP). Currently, the membership of Parliament stands at 275.

The Rt. Hon. Speaker Edward Korbly Doe Adjaho presiding over a sitting of the House with the Clerks-at-the-Table in attendance

The Rt. Hon. Speaker Edward Korbly Doe Adjaho presiding over a sitting of the House with the Clerks-at-the-Table in attendance

Parliament of Ghana

Contact Parliament of Ghana
