National Development Plan of Rwanda
Vision 2020 expresses the aspiration of Rwandans to be a united, democratic and inclusive nation. The aim of the Vision is to transform Rwanda into a middle-income country in which people are healthier, better educated, more prosperous and united, and that the country’s economy is competitive both regionally and globally.
The Vision came out of a national consultative process conducted between 1997 and 2000. These discussions and debates involved Rwandans from all walks of life and all sectors.
Policy The Vision embodies the following goals:
- Reconstruction of the nation and its social capital
- Transformation of agriculture into a productive, highvalue and market-oriented sector
- Development of a competitive private sector
- Comprehensive human resources development, encompassing education, health and ICT skills
- Infrastructural development
- Promotion of regional economic integration and cooperation These will be affected by the cross-cutting issues of gender equality; sustainable environmental and natural resource management; and ICT.
People’s participation at the grassroots level will be promoted through decentralisation, so that local communities will be empowered to make the decisions on the issues that affect them most.