Society of Botswana
Population per sq km: 4
Life expectancy: 66 years
Net primary enrolment: 91% (2013)
Population: 2,262,000 (2015); 57 per cent of people live in urban areas; growth 1.9 per cent p.a. 1990–2015, with rapid growth in urban areas; birth rate 24 per 1,000 people (46 in 1970); life expectancy 66 years, the first increase since the former peak of 63 in the early 1990s (problems with AIDs contributed to low life expectancy figures in the following years).
Around 80 per cent of people are of Setswana-speaking origin and most of the rest of Kalanga-speaking origin. Bushmen (i.e. San or Basarwa), Herero, Mbukushu, Yei and Mazezuru, whites and others constitute the balance.
Language: Setswana is the national language; English is an official language.
Religion: Most people are Christians (81 per cent in 2011 census) or hold traditional beliefs. Traditional religions incorporate some Christian practices.
Media: The government-owned Daily News is published in English and Setswana, and Mmegi is an independent daily. There are several privately owned weeklies including The Botswana Gazette (Wednesday, since 1985), Botswana Guardian (weekend), The Midweek Sun and The Sunday Standard.
Botswana’s media has a long tradition of lively public debate. Press circulation is limited to urban areas and radio is the main source of information for most people. Radio Botswana is the public service, broadcasting in Setswana and English. Public service TV, Botswana Television, was launched in 2000. There are a number of privately owned radio and TV stations.
Some nine per cent of households have TV sets (2006).
Public holidays: New Year (two days), Labour Day (early May), Sir Seretse Khama Day (1 July), President’s Day (Monday in July), Botswana Day (30 September), Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Religious festivals whose dates vary from year to year include Good Friday, Easter Monday and Ascension Day