Government Politics of Botswana
Last elections: October 2014
Next elections: 2019
Head of state: President Lt-Gen Seretse Khama Ian Khama
Head of government: The President
Ruling party: Botswana Democratic Party
The October 1999 general election was won by the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), led by Festus Mogae, taking 33 seats, with 57% of the votes, while the Botswana National Front (BNF) held six seats, with 26% of the votes. There was an increase in the numbers of female and younger parliamentarians.
In October 2004 the BDP won with 44 of the 57 seats in the enlarged Assembly and 52% of the votes and Mogae was returned for a second term as president. The BNF took 12 seats and 26% of the votes, and Botswana Congress Party (BCP), one seat and 17%.
On Festus Mogae’s retirement in April 2008, Ian Khama (the son of former President Sir Seretse Khama) became the country’s fourth president. In October 2009, he led the BDP to victory in the general election, taking 45 seats and 53% of the votes. The BNF took six seats (22%), the BCP four (19%), the Botswana Alliance Movement one (2%) and independents one. Khama was shortly afterwards sworn in again as President.
At the elections held on 24 October 2014, the BDP won 37 seats and 46.7% of the votes, the Umbrella for Democratic Change 17 seats and 30.1% and the BCP 3 seats and 20.4%. President Khama was sworn in for another term of office on 28 October 2014.