Public Contracts Regulatory Agency

Head Office

Head Office

Performance – Public service – Socio-economic development

Laying the groundwork for the public procurement system in Cameroon


ARMP is responsible for the monitoring, control and evaluation of the system of public procurement, as well as performing monitoring tasks, audits, training, information and archiving.


Public procurement occupies a prominent place in the socio-economic development of Cameroon. The Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP) was established under the supervision of the presidency of the Republic of Cameroon to govern the public procurement system and implement into it the recommendations of various reforms.

The ARMP will focus on:

• Fighting corruption
• Improving the monitoring of public contract implementation
• Strengthening the monitoring and control systems
• Promoting an institutional environment favourable for the creation of decent jobs
• Contributing to the promotion of the effective use of appropriations

Strategic positioning

Structurally, the functional reorganisation of ARMP has resulted in the creation of, at the central level, Inspectorates-General responsible for audit, control, regulation and evaluation of performance of the public procurement system.
In addition, the desire to ensure better supervision of actors through full proximity monitoring and regulation led ARMP to upgrade its Regional Branch Offices into Regional Regulation Centres, thus increasing their scope of competence.

Operationality of governance

ARMP’s unique institutional position and broad territorial coverage provides a view of the entire system, a position that has helped make the fight against corruption one of its key missions.
As such, the agency has made an outstanding contribution to the institutional coalition against corruption put in place by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (CONAC) in partnership with the Supreme State Audit Services, the General Delegation for National Security, the Ministry of Justice, the National Agency for Financial Investigations (ANIF) and many others.

To this end, a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) is underway. The RRI, based on a Challenge Memorandum concerning the commitment of its staff and actors of public procurement, implements a step-up across the national territory, over a period of 100 days, with an aim to reduce by 75 per cent irregularities that encourage corruption in tenders boards and sub-commissions for the analysis of tenders.
ARMP has established partnerships with socio-professional and business organisations
– for example, GICAM (Cameroon Employers Group) – in view of ensuring participatory monitoring of projects and citizen control, and improving the business climate to guarantee security for investors.
Funding received from development partners will refine our strategies and ensure the reliability of ARMP actors and staff.
Furthermore, the increased access to information on public procurement is also for ARMP a tool of governance through denunciations collected at its web address and the Journal des Marchés Publics, which publishes inter alia, tender notices, awards, signed contracts and sanctions.

Major projects

• The modernisation and computerisation of ARMP and of the system through the dematerialisation of public procurement procedures and documents
• Alternative dispute resolution and aligning the Cameroon regulatory system with international standards


Public Contracts Regulatory Agency

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