Papua New Guinea National Youth Commission


The National Youth Commission (NYC) is mandated by the government to be the central agency in youth affairs of the country. The Commission strives to build relationships and establish networks among stakeholders nationally, regionally and globally for greater attention and action on the issues and aspirations of youths.


Transform and Empower Youths for Nation Building.



To be a lead agency in promoting and coordinating sustainable services for young people in partnership with stakeholders.



  • Participatory  encourage dialogue and sharing responsibilities with stakeholders.
  • Accountable – dispensing our responsibilities with due diligence and to the satisfaction of our stakeholders.
  • Result-driven – working hard to accomplish results in what we plan to do in our programmes and activities.
  • Innovative – discovering new ideas and practices to improve our mode of operations.



The National Youth Commission is guided by the National Youth Commission Act 1999. The Act gives the Commission important powers to operate as the overall custodian of all youth issues in Papua New Guinea.


Functions and Responsibilities

  • Co-ordinate policy development and provide policy advice to the Government on matters pertaining to youth.
  • Provide policy and technical advice to the Provincial
  • Governments and Local Level Governments on matters pertaining to youth.
  • Identify and provide training opportunities for employees of National, Provincial and Local level Government as well as other men and women.
  • Facilitate relevant research on youth matters.
  • Establish standards, re-enforce and monitor the level of services offered to youths by government and nonprofit organisations.
  • Monitor the execution of National Youth Development
  • Plans at the Provincial and District levels.
  • Provide opportunities to enable youths to participate meaningfully in activities at the International, National and Local Levels.
Papua New Guinea National Youth Commission

Contact Papua New Guinea National Youth Commission
