Mozambique Revenue Authority

Customs Officers

Following the Government’s efforts to improve State revenue collection, reduce the budget deficit and guarantee sustainable economic and social development, a process of reforms in the Tax and Customs sectors was initiated. The implementation in 2006 of the Tax Reform in Mozambique brought about the establishment of the Mozambique Revenue Authority (MRA).

The MRA is a Government institution with administrative autonomy, supervised by the Minister of Finance and comprises Customs and Domestic Taxes, and crosscut sections, such as the General Directorate of Common Services, the Office of Planning, Studies and International Co-operation and the Internal Control Department. In 2012, MRA employed 3,324 officers.

The three principal pillars of tax reforms:

• Increase in revenue collection
• Increase in the number of taxpayers
• Modernisation of the tax system and simplification of procedures to align with best practices of international and regional standards

Mozambique Revenue Authority

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