Utilities of Solomon Islands
The state-owned Solomon Islands Electricity Authority has a complete monopoly of the country’s electricity market, running the entire electricity power system from generation to distribution. The Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification is the government body responsible for the supervision of the country’s electricity industry.
The Solomon Islands has no indigenous sources of natural gas or oil and lacks oil-refining facilities. Therefore all of the country’s oil and gas requirements must be imported. The largest company in the downstream oil industry is the privately owned South Pacific Oil.
The Solomon Islands Water Authority (SIWA), established by the Solomon Water Authority Act 1993, provides management and development of water resources and sewage services in Honiara and main urban areas, while provincial governments are free to choose SIWA or to operate their own supply. The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation project of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services’ Environmental Health Division serves the majority of rural areas. There is no form of water treatment in rural areas and the main source of water on many of the smaller islands is captured rainwater.
The sole provider of telecommunications and internet services in the country is the Solomon Telekom Company. In 2003 its exclusive licence to provide these services was renewed for a period of 15 years. The Ministry of Communications and Aviation is the government body responsible for the supervision and regulation of the telecommunications sector.