Society of Solomon Islands
Population per sq km: 21
Life expectancy: 68 years
Net primary enrolment: 93%
Population: 583,000 (2015); 22 per cent of people live in urban areas; growth 2.0 per cent p.a. 1990–2015; birth rate 30 per 1,000 people (46 in 1970); life expectancy 68 years (54 in 1970).
About 95 per cent of the people are Melanesian, three per cent Polynesian and one per cent Micronesian (1999 census). There is a small expatriate population.
Language: The official language is English; an English-based Creole, Pidgin, is the most widely spoken language. There are more than 80 indigenous languages.
Religion: Mainly Christians (Church of Melanesia 32 per cent, Roman Catholics 20 per cent, South Seas Evangelicals 17 per cent, Seventh Day Adventists 12 per cent, United Church ten per cent; 2009 census).
Media: Solomon Star is a daily newspaper, and Solomon Times and Solomons Voice are weekly.
Radio is the main source of information for most people. Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation provides a national public radio service.
Public holidays: New Year’s Day, Queen’s Official Birthday (June), Independence Day (7 July), Christmas Day and National Day of Thanksgiving (26 December). Each province has its own holiday, some of which continue for several days.
Religious and other festivals whose dates vary from year to year include Good Friday, Easter Monday and Whit Monday.