Utilities of Papua New Guinea
Oil production started in 1992. There are two oil refineries: one in the Gulf of Papua and one at Port Moresby. A liquefied natural gas project in the Southern Highlands and Western Province began operating in 2014. Proven reserves of natural gas were estimated in January 2014 to be 200 billion cubic metres.
PNG Power, the government-owned Electricity Commission, supplies power to most urban centres and some adjacent rural areas. It was established under the Electricity Commission (Privatisation) Act 2000, but remains a state-owned entity. Hydropower stations generate much of the country’s electricity, with the balance generated by thermal stations.
Water PNG was established under the National Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1986 as a state-owned enterprise with responsibility for the provision and management of water supply and sewage services throughout Papua New Guinea, with the exception of the National Capital District (NCD). The National Capital District Commission Act 1996 saw the formation of NCD Water and Sewerage (trading as Eda Ranu) to take on the responsibility of supplying fresh water and sewage treatment within the National Capital District. Four out of ten people use an improved drinking water source and 45 per cent have access to adequate sanitation facilities (2010).
Telikom PNG offers landline, mobile and broadband services. Incorporated in 1955, it owns and operates the telecommunications network in Papua New Guinea. It is wholly owned by the state and owns 50 per cent of B-Mobile. Digicel offers mobile services and has been granted a licence to start landline services. Citifone is the third mobile operator to offer services in Papua New Guinea. The National Information Communication Technology Authority regulates the sector.
There are 19 main telephone lines, 342 mobile phone subscriptions and 20 internet users per 1,000 people (2011) as well as 64 personal computers per 1,000 people (2005).