Key Projects of New Zealand
Transmission Gully
The New Zealand Transport Agency is looking for a private sector partner to build and operate the Transmission Gully portion of the Wellington Northern Corridor, a major trunk route. A shortlist of bidders was drawn up in the spring of 2013, with the contract expected to be awarded in mid-2014. The road will be open to the public in 2017.
Wiri Prison
A new 960-bed prison will be built by the SecureFuture Consortium. Located in South Auckland, the 25-year contract is worth around $840 million and will be completed in 2015.
Public-Private Partnerships
Public–private partnerships come under the National Infrastructure Unit of the Treasury, which helps support departments and agencies in the development of PPPs. The unit is intended to be ‘the focal point for economic and financial assessment and advises on PPPs and will assist government agencies more generally. It will ensure application of these guidelines. The relevant PPP authority will also promote best practice PPPs by absorbing and disseminating the lessons of experience and consulting with other governments on their experience and practice.’
The New Zealand Government operates its public–private partnerships under the Gateway Review Process, which is a cabinet mandate. The review process looks at programmes and projects at key decision points in their life cycle as part of a quality control process.