National Development Plan of Nauru
The National Sustainable Development Strategy 2005-25 was published in 2005 and reviewed in 2009. It sets out Nauru’s long-term development vision of ‘a future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all Nauruans’.
The long-term goals of the Sustainable Development Strategy are:
- Stable, trustworthy and fiscally responsible government
- Enhanced social, infrastructure and utilities services
- An economy based on multiple sources of revenue
- Rehabilitation of mined-out lands for livelihood sustainability
- Development of domestic food production.
In 2009, these goals were broken down into economic, community, infrastructural and cross-cutting goals. Extensive community consultation during the 2009 review identified a number of immediate priorities, which included capacitybuilding across the public sector of organisations and individuals, and strengthening governance.
The 2009 review of the Sustainable Development Strategy recognised that a lot has already been achieved in improving governance, but more needed to be done with regard to the independence of the media; freedom of information; the leadership code; reducing the backlog in the courts; and addressing gender- and child-based violence.
Among the cross-cutting goals set in the 2009 review was strengthening governance institutions, in particular those concerned with democracy, audit, justice, law and order, and border control.