Welcome to Kiribati
His Excellency Mr Taneti Mamau
President of the Republic of Kiribati
On behalf of the Government and the People of the Republic of Kiribati, I extend to you all our warm welcome to the Kiribati portal of the Commonwealth of Nations website.
Kiribati (pronounced Kiribass) is a Small Developing Island State located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It comprises 33 atolls in three sub-groups namely the Gilbert Group, Line Group and the Phoenix Group. The atolls are scattered across the equator over 5 million square kilometres of water.
We take pride in our rich culture, our peaceful, hospitable and hard-working people, our tranquil, pristine and vibrant marine environment and our beautiful islands. We invite all to visit Kiribati and experience our unique culture and enjoy our vast and rich marine environment.
I bestow upon you all our Kiribati blessing of Te Mauri (Health), Te Raoi (Peace) ao Te Tabomoa (and Prosperity).
Source: http://www.commonwealthofnations.org/country/pacific/kiribati/