Key Projects of Australia
Leasing of the Port of Newcastle
New South Wales has put the operation of the Port of Newcastle out to tender. Expressions of interest have already been submitted to the state government, with the competitive bidding process expected to conclude in mid-2014. The port mainly handles coal exports, with smaller volumes of grain, vegetable oil and fertiliser passing through. Australian ports are prized by the private sector for their stable revenues, though Newcastle’s cargo is less diverse than that of the country’s other major ports. Long-term contracts with major mining companies give the Port of Newcastle a guaranteed income, even if volumes fall. The successful bidder will lease the port for 99 years. The deal is expected to fetch up to A$700 million.
Public-Private Partnerships
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, an independent authority of the Australian Government, has recently recommended that the government relinquish control of assets such as Medibank Private and Australia Post.
The National Commission of Audit is preparing a report on the role and scope of government, which may include recommendations of state-owned enterprises that could be privatised, such as Australia Post (federal government) and the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme (state government).
Water allocation rights make the sale of the Snowy Mountains Scheme complicated as it is a three-way owned government asset (state and federal). An initial report was submitted to the government at the end of January.
Since 2008, the Council of Australian Governments has been following the National Public Private Partnership Policy and Guidelines, which all states follow.
Major PPP projects by state
New South Wales
- The Airds Bradbury Renewal Project will see the transformation of 1,470 dwellings into a sustainable mixed income community of more than 2,000 homes
- North West Rail Link is an A$8.3 billion rail infrastructure project, due for completion in 2019
- A$2.5 billion transformation of Darling Harbour precinct
- A new generation of rolling stock is to be procured, comprising 75 six-car train sets to meet demands in population growth in South East Queensland
- Construction of ten new schools to meet population growth in South East Queensland
- Development of a new hospital and health care facility
- New medium-security prison facility for 1,000 prisoners
Western Australia
- New sporting stadium in Perth with seating a capacity for 60,000, to be completed in 2018