Welcome to United Kingdom
Rt Hon. Theresa May, MP
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Welcome to the United Kingdom portal of the “Commonwealth of Nations” website.
The UK is proud to be a member of the Commonwealth. It is a unique organisation. Its 54 members span the globe, represent almost a third of the world’s population and a fifth of all global trade, and include all of the world’s major faiths. It is an organisation that shares a heritage based on common history, culture and values. The core Commonwealth values of democracy and development are relevant today and will be increasingly relevant in the future.
The Commonwealth has a value role to play in championing democracy and promoting trade and development in the twenty-first century, which is why the UK will work with other member states to strengthen and reinvigorate this exceptional organisation.
The UK, like the Commonwealth, has a diverse population. Its citizens reflect all 54 members of the Commonwealth, their cultures and religions. We are keen to participate in the Commonwealth’s networks and numerous events. We look forward to hosting the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.
As Prime Minister, I will work closely with heads of Governments of other member states to bring about a strengthened Commonwealth that all its citizens can be proud of, for its future achievements as well as its proud past.
The above message was provided by the previous Prime Minister, the Rt Hon. David Cameron.
Source: http://www.commonwealthofnations.org/country/europe/united_kingdom/