National Development Plan of Brunei Darussalam
The Brunei Economic Development Board was established in November 2001 to be the leading economic development agency. The national vision, Wawasan Brunei 2035, was launched in January 2008; it expresses the aspiration that by 2035 Brunei Darussalam will be recognised everywhere for the accomplishments of its well educated and highly skilled people; its quality of life; and its dynamic, sustainable economy. The Tenth National Development Plan 2012-17 is the second plan to be based on the Strategic and Policy Framework for Development of Wawasan Brunei 2035.
To realise Wawasan Brunei 2035, strategies have been formulated for the economy, education, security, institutional development, business development, infrastructure development, social security and the environment.
The institutional development strategy will enhance good governance in both public and private sectors; promote high-quality public services; and establish modern legal and regulatory frameworks and efficient government procedures that entail a minimum of bureaucratic ‘red tape’.