Welcome to Brunei Darussalam
HM Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah
The Sultan of Brunei Darussalam
I am pleased to welcome you all to the “Commonwealth of Nations” website where you can find out more about Brunei Darussalam, the Abode of Peace.
A small nation located on the northern shore of the Island of Borneo, Brunei Darussalam has been privileged to be a member of the Commonwealth since the resumption of our independence on 1 January 1984.
We place great value on our membership and appreciate the benefits we receive from its programmes. These are particularly helpful to us as we prepare to diversify our economy from its traditional oil and gas sectors.
We welcome overseas investment aimed at establishing business ventures in Brunei Darussalam and believe we offer an extremely favourable environment for business partners.
We invite all visitors to explore our land of unspoiled natural beauty and our rich cultural heritage.
HM Sultan of Brunei’s Commonwealth Day Message, 10 March 2008
Source: http://www.commonwealthofnations.org/country/asia/brunei_darussalam/