Welcome to Grenada
The Honourable Dr Keith C. Mitchell
Prime Minister of Grenada
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Grenada portal of the Commonwealth of Nations Website.
As we undertake the enormous challenges of rebuilding and rehabilitation post hurricane Ivan and Emily, and heartily welcome assistance accordingly, we are steadfast in our commitment to “Rebuilding with a vision for a better Nation.”
We know that advancing the cause cannot be an individual endeavour. It must be an ‘all hands on deck’ approach. The community of people must remain cohesive if it is to be a viable institution through which the process of nation-building and the moulding of the national character are carried out. A structure of values, a moral code, a shared purpose, and an indomitable spirit are the underpinnings which keep a nation on track and which enable us to move forward in our quest for excellence.
We work as a trusted partner for all commonwealth people as: a force for peace, democracy, equality and good governance; a catalyst for global consensus-building; and a source of assistance for sustainable development and poverty eradication.
When visitors come to our country and experience the towering array of forested mountains, the golden sunshine, the leisure-filled beaches, the rainbow-crowned ocean skyline, the seven sisters waterfalls and other beautiful areas of Grenada they leave a lasting impression.
On behalf of the Government and people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique, I invite you to explore all that Grenada has to offer.
Source: http://www.commonwealthofnations.org/country/americas/grenada/