Public Private Partnerships of Barbados
In the early 1990s, a tripartite social partnership was formed between the government, trade unions and the private sector with the aim of tackling the economic crisis. Consequently, Barbados has been seen as a leader in the Caribbean region for forging successful relationships between the public and private sectors.
Social partnership initiatives since then have included the tourism industry working closely with the government to boost tourism under the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement.
In 2013, Barbados hosted the Caribbean Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Growth Forum. Since then, the government has indicated that opportunities will be ripe for companies interested in bidding for government contracts in 2014-17. Barbados’ Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development, Donville Inniss, told the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce in January 2014 that the country would be investing US$1.1 billion in public-private partnerships to improve infrastructure over the next three years.