Society of Antigua and Barbuda
Population per sq km: 209
Life expectancy: 76 years (est.)
Net primary enrolment: 86%
Population: 91,818 (2015); some 2,000 on Barbuda; 24 per cent of people live in urban areas; growth 1 per cent p.a. 1990-2015; birth rate 16 per 1,000 people (est. 26 in 1970); life expectancy 76 years (est. 67 in 1970). Almost all (91 per cent) of the population is of African descent (2001 census).
Language: English; an English-based Creole is also spoken.
Religion: Mainly Christians (Anglicans 18 per cent, Seventh Day Adventists 12 per cent, Pentecostals 12 per cent, Moravians eight per cent, Roman Catholics eight per cent, 2011 census).
Media: Daily Observer is published daily; The Worker’s Voice (Antigua Labour Party and Antigua Trades and Labour Union) twice weekly.
The Antigua and Barbuda Broadcasting Service provides public radio and TV services. Observer Radio was the country’s first independent radio station, launched in 2001. Crusader Radio is owned by the United Progressive Party. Cable television is widely available.
Some 97 per cent of households have TV sets (2008). There are 207 personal computers per 1,000 people (2006).
Public holidays: New Year’s Day, Labour Day (early May), Carnival (Monday and Tuesday in early August), Independence Day (1 November), National Heroes’ Day (9 December), Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Religious and other festivals whose dates vary from year to year include Good Friday, Easter Monday and Whit Monday.