Utilities of Zambia
Zambia boasts potential hydropower capacity of about 6,000 MW, but is underusing its capability. Only 25 per cent of the Zambian population has access to electricity, and access in rural areas drops to as low as five per cent. To address the power deficit, Zambia has initiated development plans for transmission inter-connectors with neighbouring countries, as well as thermal and hydropower generation plants, such as the KGL. There are several other similar
PPP initiatives operating in the region. Private energy companies are overseen by the Energy Regulation Board of Zambia under the Energy Regulation Act. Private energy companies include the Zambian Energy Corporation.
The National Water supply and Sanitation Council backs private participation in the Zambian water sector. The 1997 Water Supply and Sanitation Act of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council provides for a technical advisory committee to be appointed by the council. The Act states that a local authority may establish a water supply and sanitation utility as a public or private company; a joint venture with an individual or with any private or public company; or a joint venture with other local authorities.
In July of 1994, the Zambia parliament began the liberalisation of the telecoms sector through the passing of the Telecommunications Act, which heralded a new era of private participation in the sector.