National Development Plan of Zambia
The National Long Term Vision 2030, Zambia’s first long range plan, was launched in December 2006, following a broad national consultation process. This expresses the aspirations of Zambians to be realised by the year 2030, while the concurrent five-year plan and annual budgets set out shorter-term targets for the achievement of these aspirations. The current plan is the Sixth National Development Plan (2011-15).
The vision is to become a prosperous middle-income country by the year 2030, underpinned by the principles of gender-responsive sustainable development; democracy;
respect for human rights; good traditional and family values; a positive attitude to work; peaceful coexistence; and public-private partnerships.
The principal goals of Vision 2030 are a common and shared destiny, united in diversity, equitably integrated and democratic in governance; and devolved political systems and structures.
The Vision presents three development scenarios, namely ‘baseline’, ‘preferred’ and ‘optimistic’. The socio-economic development objectives enshrined in the preferred scenario were:
- Annual real growth of at least six per cent during 2006-10, eight per cent 2011-15, nine per cent 2016-20, and ten per cent 2021-30
- Annual inflation rate of less than five per cent
- The proportion of the national population living in poverty reduced to less than 20 per cent
- Income inequalities measured by a Gini coefficient reduced to less than 40
- Access to an improved water source and adequate sanitation facilities delivered to 100 per cent of the population
- Education for all
- Equitable access to quality health care for all.
The priorities of the Sixth National Development Plan (2011-15) are to:
Accelerate infrastructure development, economic growth and diversification
Promote rural investment and accelerate poverty reduction and enhance human development Governance Leading governance bodies include the Governance Secretariat; Office of the Auditor-General; and Anti Corruption Commission.
Leading governance bodies include the Governance Secretariat; Office of the Auditor-General; and Anti Corruption Commission.
Good governance is seen as essential to ensuring that development outcomes benefit all Zambians. The focus during the current five-year plan period is on building capacity in and decentralisation of the governance institutions.
Other governance objectives and initiatives include incorporation of the provisions of the international human rights instruments into domestic law, implementation of parliamentary reforms, Access to Justice Programme, National Anti-Corruption Policy and African Peer Review Mechanism National Plan of Action The Anti-Corruption Commission was established in 1980.
It has been given more teeth over the years and derives its present mandate from the 2012 Anti-Corruption Act. The Commission is the lead institution in the fight against corruption – it establishes corruption-prevention mechanisms; it investigates and prosecutes suspected offenders; and it raises public awareness through community education programmes.