Key Projects of Zambia
The Livingstone Tourism HIV/AIDS Partnership
This is a joint partnership between US Agency for International Development (USAID), Sun Hotel International, the Zambia Wildlife Authority, the Provincial HIV/AIDS Task Force for the Southern Province, District HIV/AIDS Task Forces and other civil societies. This project seeks to create and improve HIV/AIDS workplace and community-based programmes in Livingstone. Livingstone, a major tourist attraction, has one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in Zambia. This innovative partnership arranges a series of events calling for social and behavioural change to reduce the spread of HIV; the events provide mobile counselling and testing services, HIV information booths and educational materials. The Sun Hotel also offers complementary training services for HIV/AIDS-related training in the tourism industry.
UNZA hostels
The University of Zambia (UNZA) has been home to several small-scale public–private partnership initiatives aimed at improving student livelihoods and the functionality of the university. In January 2011 construction of several student hostels was completed at the UNZA Great East Road campus in a bid to tackle the lack of student accommodation at the university. Funding for the project was contributed in part by the Canadian Government and Barclays Bank. In 2013 the UNZA entered into a partnership with private company Graduare Property Development Ltd to carry out a major infrastructure development project at the UNZA Great East Road campus. The UNZA and Graduare Property Development Ltd signed a memorandum of understanding in January 2013, which awarded 12 hectares of land to Graduare Property Development Ltd for the construction of a hotel, trade centre and business park.
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydropower Project
Located on the Kafue River in Zambia, the 750 MW Kafue George Lower Hydropower Project (KGL) is just one of the many projected power projects for Zambia. The project is part of a larger plan to provide relief of the country’s power deficit and potentially turn Zambia into a regional power hub. The government-authorised parastatal company ZESCO has formed a company called the Kafue Gorge Lower Power Development Corporation Ltd, which will be made up of both public and private corporations. The exact shareholder structure is yet to be officially finalised. The project will be funded through debt and equity. The majority of the debt funding will be obtained from development finance institutions, with the remainder coming from commercial banks.
Public-Private Partnerships
The Privatisation Act 1992 allowed for the privatisation and commercialisation of state-owned enterprises, as well as providing for the establishment of the Zambia Privatisation Agency and defining the functions thereof. The Act also provides for the sale of shares in state-owned enterprises. The Public Private Partnerships Act of Zambia 2009 aims to promote and facilitate the implementation of privately financed projects and delivery of social services by enhancing transparency, fairness and long-term sustainability. The plan also aims to remove undesirable restrictions on private sector participation in social sector services and public infrastructure strategies. The current PPP strategy in Zambia is to enhance economic development in the country through partnerships between the government and private sector, and support the national vision of the country which is to make Zambia ‘a prosperous and middle-income country by 2030’.