National Development Plan of United Republic of Tanzania
Up to the mid-1990s, narrowly-focused social and economic reforms were introduced under successive structural adjustment programmes, in response to external economic conditions and tied in with the financial support of the international development agencies. The National Development Vision 2025 was developed in the latter 1990s as a result of a broad national consultation process.
It established comprehensive long-term economic and social development goals – to be realised by 2025.
In an evaluation of Vision 2025 conducted in 2009, the Planning Commission pointed to consistently high levels of economic growth; much improved macroeconomic stability;
and investment in institutions and systems aimed at strengthening governance and the rule of law.
The main goals of Vision 2025 are:
- High quality of life, where all Tanzanians benefit from greater prosperity
- Peace, stability and unity
- Good governance and the rule of law, such that people are to be empowered with the capacity to make their leaders and public servants accountable
- A well educated population benefiting from lifelong learning
- A competitive economy capable of producing sustainable growth and shared benefits
The strategies required to achieve these goals by the year 2025 included:
High quality of life:
- Food self-sufficiency and food security
- Universal primary education, eradication of illiteracy and expansion in tertiary education and training
- Gender equality and the empowerment of women
- Access to quality primary health care for all
- Reduction in infant and maternal mortality rates
- Universal access to safe water
- Life expectancy comparable to middle-income countries
- Absence of abject poverty
A strong and competitive economy:
- A diversified economy with a substantial industrial sector
- Macroeconomic stability
- A growth rate of at least eight per cent per annum
- An active and competitive player in the regional and world markets.
The Planning Commission, based in the President’s Office, is responsible for monitoring and analysing economic and social development in general and progress towards Vision 2025 in particular.
The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau was established in 2007 as an independent law enforcement institution with regional and district offices throughout the mainland of Tanzania. Its mandate, which extends only to the mainland part of the country, is to raise public awareness about the nature and extent of corruption; to prevent corruption; and enforce the law against corruption.