Key Projects of Swaziland
Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative
A cross-border PPP initiative is focusing on reducing malaria in the Lubombo area, which spans South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique. The Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative (LSDI) uses regional indoor residual spraying of insecticides and encourages early treatment of malaria cases through the use of rapid diagnostic malaria tests, and artemisinin-based combination therapy. LSDI involves multiple public and private sector partners including the three partner countries’ ministries of health, the South African Medical Research Council, BHP Billiton and the Business Trust. To date, the LSDI has effectively sprayed approximately 100,000 sq km of the Lubombo area. The initiative has so far resulted in the reduction of malaria incidence in the region by nearly 80 per cent.
Public-Private Partnerships
To help boost private sector growth, the government and the World Bank jointly hosted a seminar, Swaziland’s Prospects for Private Sector-Led Growth, in May 2011 in Mbabane. The seminar discussed the opportunities that existed for Swaziland to increase its appeal for investors.
Over the last few years Swaziland has undertaken several steps towards improving its public–private partnership framework. The Public Procurement Act was implemented in 2012 to improve procurement systems and procedures, as well as laying the legal foundation for PPPs in Swaziland.
In July 2012, the government, through the Ministry of Finance and the Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority (SIPA), in cooperation with several private actors, organised a Regional PPP Training Workshop to strengthen the capacity of the projects. The workshop focused on assisting Swaziland in developing its own PPP model through analysis of recent developments in countries of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) region.
Following the training workshop, a joint report by SIPA and the COMESA Investment Agency suggested that public–private partnership initiatives could work as a catalyst for the development and procurement of assets in several sectors, including water supply, health care and education. The report gave way to the implementation of a new Public Private Partnership Policy, outlining the commitment to improving the quality of life of its citizens through the provision of quality infrastructure and services.