National Development Plan of Nigeria
Nigeria has had a relatively long experience in development planning beginning with the Colonial Development Plan (1958-68). Medium-term development plans and national rolling plans were also developed and implemented with mixed results. Other major strategic initiatives – such as the Structural Adjustment Programme; the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy; the Strategy for Attaining the Millennium Development Goals; and the 7-Point Agenda – were not seen to have been effectively implemented.
The Nigeria Vision 20:2020 expresses the aspiration for Nigeria to become one of the top 20 economies in the world by 2020. Attainment of the Vision would enable the country to achieve a high standard of living for its citizens.
It was developed by Nigerians for the Nigerian people and involved a process of thorough engagement with all stakeholders across all levels of government and society.
The Vision will be pursued through a series of three/fouryear plans which will further articulate strategies, policies, projects and programmes.
The two broad objectives of Vision 20:2020 are to:
- Make efficient use of human and natural resources to achieve rapid economic growth
- Translate the economic growth into equitable social development for all citizens
The six main policy thrusts are:
- Bridging the infrastructure gap to unleash economic growth and wealth creation
- Optimising the sources of economic growth to increase productivity and competitiveness
- Building a productive, competitive and functional human resource base, for economic growth and social advancement
- Developing a knowledge-based economy
- Improving governance, security, law and order and engendering more efficient and effective use of resourcesto promote social harmony and a conducive business environment for growth
- Fostering accelerated, sustainable social and economic development in a competitive and environmentally friendly manner
The critical policy priorities identified by the Vision are:
- Correcting the weaknesses of the revenue allocation system which relies heavily on revenue from crude oil, by encouraging greater internal revenue generation efforts at the state and local government levels
- Increasing investment in critical infrastructure, developing a framework for joint financing of infrastructure projects between the tiers of government, and encouraging private investment in infrastructure
- Deepening reforms at all levels of government
- Promoting private sector-led non-oil growth to build the foundation for economic diversification
- Investment in human capital development to enhance national competitiveness
- Entrenchment of merit as a fundamental principle and core value
- Intensifying the war against corruption
- Upgrading the capability of the internal security apparatus of government, and enhancing the efficiency of their operations
A key strategy in the implementation of Vision 20:2020 will be the empowerment of local government. The Vision sees local communities and jurisdictions at the centre of development.
Other strategic initiatives which will be pursued include:
- Strengthening of the separation of powers between the legislative and executive arms of government with a view to enhancing the independence of the legislature
- Establishing appropriate mechanisms to allow for civic engagement and citizen participation, especially the effective participation of women, in public policy development and implementation, to ensure that, apart from periodically electing their representatives, the people are continually involved in decisions and activities affecting them, either directly as individuals or through civil society organisations, such as community based organisations and special interest groups.