National Development Plan of Mozambique
Agenda 2025 was launched in November 2003 after a debate involving government, political parties, civil society, the private sector and development partners. It articulated the national vision of ‘a country in peace, united, cohesive, democratic and prosperous’, and its overall objective was to propel Mozambique into middle-income status by 2025.
The current development plan, the Action Plan for Reducing Poverty 2011-14, aims to reduce the proportion of the population living in poverty from 55 per cent in 2009 to 42 per cent in 2014; to close the country’s infrastructure gap; and to promote human and economic well-being through rapid and inclusive growth. During the plan period the economy is expected to grow at an annual average real growth rate of eight per cent. Rising employment levels and enhanced social and human development will be achievedargely by increasing agricultural and fisheries production.
The action plan has two overarching pillars: macroeconomic management and good governance.
Governance reforms are focused on economic and financial governance and social inclusion policies. Vocational training and skills development programmes are promoting SME competitiveness, job creation, income generation and trade facilitation to better position local products in the regional markets. Fiscal and tax reform and improvement of procedures for valuation of mineral resource revenues, while improving transparency and accountability in the management of natural resources, will also be important.