Public Private Partnerships of Mauritius
In 2002 Mauritius implemented a Public–Private Partnership Scheme that defined the government’s policy on PPPs as an alternative means of financing public infrastructure and other major capital projects.
The PPP Scheme provided for the enactment of a new enabling legislation and the PPP Policy Statement, published in May 2003, set out the framework for using PPPs in Mauritius, identifying four key considerations deemed essential for delivering successful projects, namely: affordability, the legislative environment, institutional arrangements and capacity-building.
Further to this, the PPP Act 2004 (amended in 2008) provided for the implementation of PPP agreements between contracting authorities and private parties, and established a set of rules governing public–private procurement. The PPP Act establishes a PPP Unit under the chairmanship of the Policy Procurement Office. The unit is responsible for dealing with all matters relating to PPP projects.
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, through the PPP Unit, is tasked with assessing potential PPP projects on the basis of three basic principles of PPP project appraisal – affordability, value for money and appropriate risk transfer. The PPP Unit advises the government on the formulation of PPP policy and on the development of best practice guidelines and procedures in relation to PPP projects.